I am in the process of preparing an article for Codeproject. I have used the following links to work with PathListBox, geometry etc. I thought I will share these links with others.
- Spirograph Shapes: WPF Bezier Shapes from Math Formulae
- Busy Dizzy Bee-sley Spirographic Animation in Expression Blend & Silverlight
- WPF: Carousel Control
- Geometries
- Silverlight PathListBox – Fading Unselected Items
- PathListBox – Scrolling to Selected Item
- cloning path geometry in silverlight
- Silverlight String-To-PathGeometry Converter
- Alex Golesh's Blog About Silverlight Development
- A Glass Orb Button in Silverlight
- Creating a carousel with the PathListBox
- An introduction to the PathListBox
- NET.2971 - XAML Path mini-language (Silverlight)
- 3D Spiral Image Rotation for MIX 09 Challenge
- Render Transform versus Layout TransformNamed Colors Viewer
- Popular Baby Names
- Creating a motion path with the PathListBox