If you are doing any CSS development using Javascript you must be aware of prefixes like -moz-transform, -webkit-transform, -o-transform required by Firefox, Safari and Opera. Safari and Chrome use the same –webkit- prefix.
You can use Modernizr to simplify the task.
the article Modernizr Prefixed by Andi Smith is a definite read.
In this article Andi explains how you can use Modernizr to simplify your life.
Typical usage:
In HTML page
<script src="js/modernizr.js"></script>
In the Javascript
var car_cont=document.getElementById('carousel_container') ;
car_cont.style[Modernizr.prefixed('perspective')] = '1100px';
This is equivalent to the CSS statement
-webkit-perspective: 1100px;
moz-perspective: 1100px;
-o-perspective: 1100px; ----and so on.
Some more references from W3Schools
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